Operating model
We use technology as a methodology to generate opportunities for development, employability, return to education, and access to the entrepreneurship universe for everyone. Moreover, technology is increasingly present in the lives of this public, and it is the language that allows us to develop 21st-century competencies, autonomy in Information and Communication Technologies, and the ability to solve social problems.
A continuous and customized learning methodology that enables the individual to be a “reprogrammer” of their reality. Therefore, our methodology, which is the basis for the training of our multiplier agents and beneficiaries, is inspired by the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire and the concepts of Integral Education and Digital Culture.
This is also our differential, as we enable the development of these young people to be closely monitored by a qualified educator.
Our methodology includes three dimensions to maximize social impact: me (focus on what the young person thinks about the subject), us (how they see themselves in relation to it), and all of us (focus on the impacts that the subject causes on the family, the community, and the world).
Our Methodology’s 4 Steps
21st Century Skills
Our proprietary methodology seeks to stimulate in young people some of the competencies for education in the context of the 21st century. These competencies, for example, are based on definitions and studies from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). They are: