The invitation to participate in the Conectando Seu Futuro course came through a phone call. On one end of the line was Professor Gabriel Lamarão from the Federal University of Amapá, on the other was 18-year-old student José Vinicius Silva de Souza, a resident of Santana in the Metropolitan Region of Macapá. According to the young man, the result of this meeting was a wealth of discipline, learning, and education that he will carry with him for the rest of his life.
“The course opened up a range of opportunities for me. One of the most interesting modules was on artificial intelligence, a subject I had little knowledge of. The professor presented the methodology, proposed that we present a problem that could be solved through technology. My group presented ideas of inclusion involving culture and training for young and elderly people, it was very cool,” he explained.
Another essential module, in José’s opinion, was Hackeando seu Futuro, which aimed to guide the project itself. “This stage was crucial to support solutions, map investments, outline plans to achieve objectives, and apply such solutions from beginning to end,” he added. José recently took the entrance exam for the Law course and is waiting for the results from public universities.
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