The life of 18-year-old gamer Calleby Rodrigues has undergone a profound transformation in recent years. After winning a house from DJ Alok, he and his 17-year-old brother, CaÃque Sousa, were awarded a complete educational journey from Recode, including free technology courses and mentoring from experienced professionals in the industry. All so that the two can be even more prepared for the job market.
A native of the city of Canto do Buriti, in PiauÃ, Calleby has always been passionate about video games. By following Alok’s live streams on Free Fire, an action and adventure “battle royale” game, he had the opportunity to get closer to the artist, who was enchanted by the young man’s agility and story, as he lived in a one-room house with four other people.
Then, in 2020, came the big surprise. The musician sponsored the young man, not only providing him with a computer, phone, and all the infrastructure he needed to continue playing and specializing even more in games, but also built a new house for his family in Livramento de Nossa Senhora, Bahia.
But it couldn’t stop there. With great potential in the world of electronic games, where he plays Free Fire and streams, Calleby was still looking for greater direction in the career to come. Thus, in an unprecedented initiative in partnership with the Alok Institute, Recode put together a completely customized training so that he and his brother CaÃque could qualify in subjects that will be fundamental not only for the profession they choose, but also for an inclusive and empowered society, such as artificial intelligence, digital tools, virtual reality, and purposeful game development.
In addition to following the regular school curriculum, the brothers take Recode’s targeted courses through a modern and fully virtual environment. There is also a weekly videoconference meeting with an educator who answers questions and provides guidance for the next steps. The boys also regularly converse with experienced professionals in the job market who act as mentors and collaborate with this qualification process.
For Calleby, Recode’s training can be important so that in the future, the family can use the technological content learned to help multiply social impact among young people: “We have many important issues to address in society, such as racism, homophobia, and bullying. Using the internet, where young people are more connected, and technology to convey the right message can reach more people and we can make a better world,”emphasizes Calleby. “I’m excited. Learning is always good,” concludes CaÃque.
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