We recode lives through technology

We are a social impact organization that promotes technological training for low-income communities for the exercise of citizenship.

Our goal is digital empowerment

We expand opportunities for people in situations of social vulnerability through qualified and conscious use of technology.

Digital Empowerment Centers

We partner with community centers, public schools, and libraries, promoting the potential of the new generation as agents of social transformation.

Our Educational Tracks

With a focus on technology education and socio-emotional development, we offer basic and advanced educational tracks with our own methodology, which you can follow online, as well as extensive social entrepreneurship experiences.

Our initiatives

We aim to continue expanding opportunities for socially vulnerable individuals through the qualified and conscious use of technology, promoting the potential of the new generation as agents of social transformation.

Our achievements

Since 1995, we have achieved results that motivate us to transform lives through technology.

Digital Empowerment Centers
Agents of transformation
People reached since 1995

Get to know Recode and learn how we got here

Partners and supporters

Those who make a difference with us

Awards and recognitions

Global Impact 2020 da YPO

Rodrigo Baggio

iF Social Impact Prize 2020

If Social Impact Prize

Finalista do Prêmio IPL

Retratos da Leitura

Global Impact 2016 da YPO

Rodrigo Baggio

Prêmio Makers and Shakers

of Education Technology

Prêmio Empreendedor Social

do Mundo do World Entrepreneurship

Prêmio de captação

Mobiliza 2014

3º lugar no Skoll Social Entrepreneurship Challenge

promovido pela Skoll Foundation

Top 100 NGO’s em 2013

pela Global Journal

Top 100 NGO’s em 2012

pela Global Journal

Prêmio Principal Voices

pela CNN, Time, Fortune e Shell

Prêmio FINEP

de Inovação Tecnológica

Prêmio Microsoft

de Inclusão Digital

Prêmio Bem Eficiente

da Fundação Kanitz

Prêmio World Technology Award

na categoria Empreendedorismo Social

Prêmio Top Social


Prêmio Geração Capaz

na categoria Terceiro Setor

Prêmio pelo projeto

“Adoção de Escolas de Informática e Cidadania por Empresas e Organizações Públicas”

Prêmio Unesco

na categoria Comunicação e Informação

Highly Rated Project

do Fórum Econômico Mundial

Certificado de Qualidade

para Experiências Inovadoras

Prêmio Tecnologia Social 2001

da Fundação Banco do Brasil

Prêmio Criança

da Fundação Abrinq

Fellowship da Ashoka

Empreendedores Sociais